What Is A Fat Shot In Golf

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A “fat shot” is a term used in golf that refers to a golf shot with considerable power and distance. A fat shot is often a result of a good swing and good luck, and can be a very rewarding play.

What does hitting it fat and thin mean?

They swing off their back foot or flip their hands through impact, both of which make the club bottom out too soon. As a result, they hit the ground first (fat shot) or catch the ball on the upswing (thin shot). Feel like you’re shifting toward the target, so your chest is over the ball.

How do you not hit a fat golf shot?

Why do I hit behind the ball with my irons?

A common problem is whipping the club inside on the takeaway and over rotating the hips. When this happens the backswing becomes flat and inside and it’s very easy to hit behind the ball. To avoid this, feel as though the hands, arms, and club move away as one piece during the takeaway.

How do I stop hitting fat and thin golf shots?

Why do I hit ground before ball in golf?

When a player hits the ground before the ball, it is generally because their club is attacking the ball from too shallow an angle. Golf coaches refer to this as the “Angle of Approach.”

How do you avoid hitting fat shots in wet conditions?

Why do I keep hitting my golf ball fat?

Hitting the ball fat is when you hit the ground before the ball and as a result you cause the grass and dirt to get between the club and the ball. The result to your performance is you lose distance.

What is the invisible knuckle rule?

To improve your grip, adjust your left hand until you can see at least two knuckles at address. If you see only one knuckle, your grip is too weak. If you see three or four, you’ve overcooked it.

How tight should you hold your golf club?

You should hold the golf club with the same pressure you would hold a small bird: tight enough so it doesn’t fly away, but soft enough so you don’t crush it. You don’t want to choke your club to death.

What happens if your golf grip is too strong?

When a strong grip is used, the left wrist often snaps the clubface shut just before making contact with the golf ball. This causes the ball to go left most of the time, resulting in inaccurate shots and frustration.

What is a fat iron shot?

The opposite of a thin shot is a fat shot. A fat shot is a shot in which the club (typically an iron) makes contact with and digs into the ground before it reaches the golf ball. This normally does two things: it slows the club down immensely and it throws up a layer of sod/turf between the clubface and the ball.

What causes chunked shots?

A slow point, the vertically lowest point of the swing’s arc, can lead to a lot of chunked or fat shots. What we see with many golfers that chunk their irons is the upper body bending too far forward in the downswing and then staying there during the follow-through.

Why do I keep hitting thin golf shots?

A golfers who hit a lot of thin shots tends to swing the club too steeply into the ball. That’s because they slide past the ball on the downswing and have to force the club down to make contact. When they slide too far, they catch only the top half of the ball, hitting it thin.

How do you stop chunking irons?

Why am I chunking my wedges?

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