Unleash Your Inner Golf Hulk: Swing Plane Tips for Short Hitters

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Unleash Your Inner Golf Hulk: Swing Plane Tips for Short Hitters

Unleash Your Inner Golf Hulk: Swing Plane Tips for Short Hitters

Tired of watching your golf buddies outdrive you? Do you feel like you’re swinging with all your might, but the ball just doesn’t go the distance? The secret to longer drives often lies in mastering the correct swing plane. This post is your guide to understanding and improving your swing plane, specifically tailored for golfers who struggle with distance.

What is Swing Plane, and Why Does it Matter?

The swing plane is the imaginary tilted circle your clubhead travels on during your swing. Think of it as an angled track. For short hitters, a swing plane that’s too flat or too upright can rob you of precious yards. A correct swing plane allows you to generate more clubhead speed and launch the ball with optimal trajectory and spin.

Diagnosing Your Swing Plane

The Towel Drill:

Place a towel lengthwise under your arms, holding it against your chest. Make a few practice swings. If the towel falls out during your backswing, your swing plane is likely too flat. If the towel feels constricted or you lift your arms excessively, your swing plane is likely too upright.

Video Analysis:

Recording your swing from the down-the-line angle can be incredibly revealing. Compare your swing plane to that of professional golfers. Look for excessive tilting or lifting during the backswing.

Tips for Optimizing Your Swing Plane

1. Posture Perfect:

A solid posture sets the foundation for a good swing plane. Ensure you’re slightly bent at the waist, with your weight balanced and your spine angle maintained throughout the swing.

2. Wide Arc Swing:

Encourage a wider swing arc by keeping your arms extended and maintaining a good wrist hinge. This helps to shallow the swing plane naturally.

3. Feel the Inside Track:

Imagine swinging the clubhead along an inside-out path. This helps to avoid coming over the top and promotes a more powerful draw or controlled fade.

4. Utilize Drills:

  • Two-Ball Drill: Place one ball slightly inside the other. Practice hitting the inside ball first. This helps groove an in-to-out swing path.
  • Alignment Stick Drill: Place an alignment stick in the ground, angled slightly toward the target. Practice swinging along the stick to get a feel for the correct swing plane.

Swing Plane and Impact

A proper swing plane sets you up for solid contact. It allows you to deliver the clubhead squarely to the ball, maximizing energy transfer and launching the ball with optimal trajectory and backspin.


Mastering the golf swing plane is crucial for maximizing distance, especially for short hitters. By diagnosing your current swing plane and implementing the tips and drills outlined in this post, you can shallow out your swing, generate more clubhead speed, and finally start hitting those towering drives you’ve always dreamed of. Remember, consistency is key. Practice regularly and be patient with yourself as you make these adjustments.

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