Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s Got the Best Golf Swing of All? (Indoor Practice Guide)

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s Got the Best Golf Swing of All? (Indoor Practice Guide)

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s Got the Best Golf Swing of All? (Indoor Practice Guide)

Dreaming of sinking that perfect putt or launching a majestic drive? You don’t need a green expanse to improve your golf game. Believe it or not, your hallway or spare room can become your personal driving range with the help of a simple mirror. This guide will show you how to effectively practice your golf swing indoors using a mirror, helping you groove your technique and shave strokes off your score.

Setting Up Your Indoor Practice Space

Before you start swinging, you need to create a safe and effective practice area:

  • Find the Right Mirror: A full-length mirror is ideal, allowing you to see your entire posture and swing. Ensure it’s securely placed and won’t topple over.
  • Clear the Area: Remove any obstacles that could interfere with your swing, including furniture, lamps, and ceiling fans (trust us on this one!).
  • Use a Practice Mat (Optional): A golf mat provides a stable surface and helps simulate the feel of hitting from a tee or fairway.
  • Alignment Aid (Optional): Use alignment sticks or tape on the floor to help check your stance and swing path.

Perfecting Your Posture and Grip

The mirror is your best friend when it comes to checking your fundamentals:

  • Posture Check: Observe your posture from address to finish. Are you bending from the hips with a straight back? Are your knees slightly flexed? The mirror will reveal any postural flaws.
  • Grip Analysis: Examine your grip. Is it too strong, too weak, or neutral? A mirror allows you to see the position of your hands and ensure a consistent grip every time.
  • Takeaway Practice: Slowly practice your takeaway, focusing on a smooth, controlled motion. The mirror helps you identify any early wrist breaks or excessive arm movement.

Grooving Your Swing

Once your posture and grip are solid, it’s time to work on the swing itself:

  • Slow-Motion Swings: Start with slow-motion swings, focusing on the key positions: takeaway, backswing, downswing, impact, and follow-through. The mirror helps you identify any jerky movements or inconsistencies.
  • Tempo and Rhythm: Work on developing a smooth and consistent tempo. Use a metronome or count in your head to maintain rhythm throughout your swing.
  • Impact Position: Pay close attention to your impact position in the mirror. Are you maintaining the correct wrist angle and body position?

Drilling Down on Specifics

The mirror allows you to isolate and improve specific aspects of your swing:

  • Fixing a Slice: If you slice the ball, use the mirror to check for an outside-in swing path or an open clubface at impact.
  • Eliminating a Hook: If you hook the ball, the mirror can help you identify an over-the-top swing or a closed clubface.
  • Improving Rotation: Observe your shoulder and hip rotation in the mirror, ensuring you’re fully rotating through the shot.


Practicing your golf swing indoors with a mirror is a valuable tool for any golfer looking to improve their game. By focusing on your posture, grip, and swing mechanics, you can identify and correct flaws, groove your technique, and ultimately lower your scores. So, grab your club, find a mirror, and start practicing your way to a better golf game!

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