Dial in Your Putts: The Ultimate Guide to Alignment Drills

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Dial in Your Putts: The Ultimate Guide to Alignment Drills

Are you tired of leaving putts short, long, or—worst of all—offline? Putting is arguably the most important aspect of golf, accounting for nearly half your strokes. And while factors like speed and green reading are crucial, consistent alignment is the foundation upon which a solid putting stroke is built. This post dives deep into the best putting alignment drills to help you groove a consistent setup and start sinking more putts.

Why is Putting Alignment So Important?

Even a slight misalignment can send your putt drastically off course, especially on longer putts. A perfect stroke with poor alignment is like a perfectly thrown dart aimed at the wrong spot on the board. Improving your alignment can drastically reduce those frustrating lip-outs and missed opportunities, shaving strokes off your scorecard.

Essential Putting Alignment Drills

1. The Gate Drill

This classic drill is a fantastic starting point for training your eyes and body to aim correctly.

  • Place two tees just wider than your putter head, a few inches in front of the ball, creating a “gate.”
  • Practice putting through the gate without hitting the tees. This helps you visualize the intended line and train your stroke to follow it.
  • Start with short putts and gradually increase the distance as your accuracy improves.

2. The String Drill

This drill helps you visualize a perfectly straight line to the hole.

  • Place a string or alignment stick on the green, running from a few feet behind the ball to beyond the hole.
  • Align your putter face, feet, and shoulders parallel to the string.
  • Practice putting along the string, focusing on maintaining your alignment throughout the stroke.
  • Vary the length of the putts to challenge yourself at different distances.

3. The Mirror Drill

This drill uses a mirror to check your putter face alignment at address.

  • Place a small mirror on the ground facing you, a few inches behind the ball.
  • Set up to your putt and check the reflection of your putter face in the mirror. Ensure it’s square to your intended target line.
  • This drill is particularly useful for identifying and correcting subtle alignment errors.

4. The Chalk Line Drill

Similar to the string drill, this drill utilizes a chalk line for instant feedback on your stroke path.

  • Snap a chalk line across a putting green, representing your intended target line.
  • Putt balls over the line, observing where your putter makes contact with the chalk. This gives you clear visual feedback on the path of your stroke.
  • If your stroke is consistently inside-out or outside-in, you can make adjustments to your setup or stroke accordingly.

5. The Laser Pointer Drill

This drill uses a laser pointer attached to your putter to highlight your alignment.

  • Attach a laser pointer to the top of your putter grip, ensuring it points along the putter face.
  • Set up to your putt and observe where the laser points on the ground. This gives you immediate feedback on your aim.
  • This drill is especially helpful for practicing aiming at specific targets on the green.

Putting Alignment Tips for Consistent Results

Beyond drills, here are some additional tips to improve your putting alignment:

  • Focus on a specific target: Don’t just aim at the general area of the hole. Pick a specific spot on the cup or just beyond it.
  • Use your dominant eye: Align your dominant eye directly over the ball for better visual perception.
  • Maintain a consistent pre-putt routine: This helps you develop a repeatable setup and alignment process.
  • Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to ingraining proper alignment habits.


Improving your putting alignment is a game-changer. By consistently practicing these drills and incorporating the provided tips, you’ll develop a keen eye for the target line, groove a more consistent stroke, and ultimately sink more putts. Remember, consistent practice is the key to unlocking your putting potential. So, grab your putter and start drilling your way to lower scores!

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