The best time to golf in Scotland is typically from late spring to early autumn, between May and September. During these months, the weather is relatively milder, with longer daylight hours, making it ideal for golfing. However, Scotland’s weather can be quite unpredictable, so it’s always a good idea to be prepared for rain or wind regardless of the season. Some golfers also enjoy the longer daylight hours in midsummer for extended play. Ultimately, choosing the best time depends on your preferences for weather, crowds, and overall experience.

Can you play golf in Scotland in January?
The government has confirmed that golf clubs must close again until at least the end of January. This means that you can currently play golf in Scotland but not in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.
Do I need a handicap to play golf in Scotland?
No, a handicap certificate is not necessary. A letter from your club is often enough.
How much does it cost to play golf in Scotland?
For a round, it costs about the same as your normal PGA Tour venue open to the public. Depending on the exchange rate, the 2018 green fee to play the Old Course is about $250.
What is the cheapest month to go to Scotland?
The cheapest time to travel to Scotland is off season: November 1 to December 12 and December 26 to March 14. In the past few years, airlines have been offering irresistible fares during these periods. And weekday flights are cheaper than weekend fares, often by 10% or more.
What month is the best weather in Scotland?
The best time to visit Scotland during spring (late March to May) and fall (September to November) is during summer (February to April) and the temperature is 50\u00b0F-59\u00b0F.
Should I go to Scotland in October?
October is a great month to visit Scotland’s towns and historic sites, as well as its natural highlights, such as the Firth of Forth.
What time of year do people start golfing?
Most states offer all-year-round golfing. The exceptions to this rule are that some states offer all-year-round golfing.
Is 50 degrees too cold to play golf?
There is almost no lower limit. I would say about 30 degrees. But that’s on a mild day. If there is wind or rain that number creeps higher very fast.
Can you walk the Old Course at St Andrews?
This trail is great for hiking and other nature trips. The trail is open year-round, but dogs are not allowed on it. The old course at St Andrews is the ruling house of golf worldwide.
How many golf courses does Tiger Woods own?
Tiger is one of the top golfers on the PGA Tour. Even though Tiger Woods hasn\u2019s retired from professional golf, that hasn\u2019’s not stopped him from designing the golf courses. And he has designed around ten golf courses so far, including his own practice facility in the backyard.
How much is a round at Augusta?
A badge that allows you to see four competitive rounds will cost you $200 for each round. In contrast, Sunday’s badge for the U.S. Open last year was more than twice that. Of course, the stories are legend about how long it takes to get a Masters pass. Families will them down to generation after generation.
How much is a round at Pebble Beach?
The minimum cost to play a round at Pebble Beach is $575. However, this fee is only for guests at the resort. If you wish to play as a non-guest, the cost is between $575 and $595 with an additional $45 cart fee.
Is golf cheap in Scotland?
They say that playing golf in Scotland is expensive, that there are not many courses, and that the number of golfers is not high. As recently as 2006, the then Scottish Golf Union reported that total golf club membership in Scotland stood at 258,172.
What is the most expensive golf course to play in the UK?
Wentworth golf club in Surrey became the most expensive golf club in the country when it became the UK’s most expensive joining fee. One of the UK’s most prestigious golf clubs, Seton Hall University, has an annual fee of $40,000 that makes it the most expensive in the country.
What does a 36 handicap mean?
System 36 allows golfers to compete in tournaments and compete for low-net titles or prizes.
What is the best time of year to avoid midges in Scotland?
Come between late September and late May If you arrive in Scotland, before the weather has warmed up too much you are unlikely to see many midges. Also if you visit in May or early September, you are also likely to encounter the best weather conditions Scotland has to offer.
What is the best time of year to visit the Scottish Highlands?
The best time to visit the Scottish Highlands is from June to August. Summer temperatures are best for exploring the Highlands, however, with Scotland\u2019s location so far up north on the world that doesn’t look like a typically hot summer. During the country\u2019s warmest month (August), highs rarely exceed the 70-degree mark.
What are midges in Scotland?
Midges are tiny flying insects that have a wingspan of only 2-3mm. There are over 35 different species of biting midge in Scotland, but it is Culicoides impunctatus, otherwise known as the Highland Midge that earns its place as Scotland\u2019s most ferocious foe.

Welcome! I’m Paige Cooke, and I’m delighted to have you here on As a fervent golfer with years of experience, I have a deep admiration for the sport and a comprehensive understanding of its equipment. With this expertise, I established this blog to serve as a mentor and advisor to fellow golf enthusiasts.